Will you stand with us and support organizing workers this Giving Tuesday?

Hi John,


Did you see Smiley’s email this morning? You’ve been a consistent supporter of the labor movement and Jobs With Justice in the past, and we need your support now more than ever to make sure we can continue supporting the rising number of workers who are risking it all to better their lives. 


Don’t miss out on claiming a limited edition Jobs With Justice x Starbucks Workers United travel coffee mug with a donation of $75 or more – only available TODAY!


Please, make a tax-deductible donation today to ensure we have what we need to continue our groundbreaking campaigns!



Thank you for everything you do,




Dear Brenden,


It's been a busy year for anti-union corporations like Starbucks and Amazon. At Starbucks, the company has fought back, as workers joined together, organized, and unionized at hundreds of stores across the United States. The National Labor Relations Board has issued 35 complaints connected to 800 labor law violations at Starbucks stores, all while workers voted to form unions at 250 stores. 


Starbucks isn't alone. The NLRB issued 55 complaints against Amazon, alleging more than 700 violations of federal labor laws in more than 30 locations. 


Make no mistake, as workers express their freedom to form unions and have a voice on the job, corporations are pushing back. Jobs With Justice is doing everything we can to ensure the workers filing labor law violations have what they need to respond to corporations' retaliatory tactics and continue organizing their workplaces.


Today, on Giving Tuesday, please donate to help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 for workers who are risking it all to take on corporate behemoths, democratize the workplace, and better their lives. For TODAY ONLY, if you donate $75 or more, you will receive a FREE Jobs With Justice x Starbucks Workers United travel coffee mug!

Click here to donate $75 or more and receive a FREE JWJ x Starbucks Workers United travel mug!