John, in 8 days we're headed to the U.S. Supreme Court to fight a dangerous power grab that would demolish checks and balances in our election systems.
I’m writing to you today, on Giving Tuesday, to see if you can support our urgent efforts to fight this blatant power grab before it’s too late. Can I count on your support before midnight tonight?
John, I need your help to prevent the Supreme Court’s most anti-democracy ruling since Citizens United and Shelby County.
A fringe group of anti-democracy extremists – not content with just extreme gerrymandering and anti-voter laws – want the Supreme Court to give them unrestricted power to manipulate our elections and remove the final checks and balances of state courts to stop them.
And if we don’t take action immediately, we could well lose the best line of defense we have against politicians who will stop at nothing to undermine your vote.
You see, in 2021 the North Carolina state legislature tried – and failed – to enact a congressional map that was blatantly drawn to silence Black voters and Democratic voters. They didn’t succeed only because Common Cause sued and won – and the state’s highest court tossed their map out.
Now, in response to that hard-won ruling, these partisan extremists are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to grant them the right to overrule their own state Constitution and courts!
That’s right. Under their radical legal theory, state legislatures would have unrestricted authority over the rules for federal elections. That’s a blank check to take away peoples’ rights to vote, give their party an unfair advantage, and even manipulate the election’s outcome!
We’ve done the research – and this “theory” violates countless Supreme Court precedents. That’s the foundation of our argument – which we’ve tailored to win over the 5 justices required for victory – and we’re confident we can win this case on the merits.
But you and I know that sadly, we need more than strong legal arguments to guarantee success. That’s why we’ve also launched a major public mobilization – building off our already extensive voter protection work for this year’s midterms – to ensure people know exactly how much is at stake.
Here’s the good news: as soon as people learn of this attempted power grab, they overwhelmingly oppose it – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike. So, all we have to do is spread the word far and wide – and show that We The People won’t let them take our rights away.
But with all eyes on the upcoming Georgia runoff, John, there is a real risk that this hugely important legal fight will get lost in the weeds. And if that happens, we could risk losing something that you and I hold dear – the right to free and fair elections.
That’s why I need to know you won’t let this moment pass by without taking action. Can we count on your contribution of $3 or more today to defend your rights and mine at the Supreme Court?
Your action and mine in the coming days will make all the difference, John. I don’t want to see a ruling come down next year and know that we could have done more to stop it.
That’s why I’m betting big that Common Cause members like you will come through – and provide the resources necessary to see this fight through to victory.
Thanks for all you do,
Kathay Feng, Director of Redistricting & Representation,
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. You can learn more about this potential landmark Supreme Court case, and our legal strategy to win it, on our website.