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You have helped make a difference in our ongoing fight to expose the networks of activists working to undermine faith in democratic elections. As a past donor to American Oversight, you helped our team stand up against egregious attempts to sow doubt about the 2020 election results.
* In Arizona, your support brought unparalleled access to records from the Arizona Senate’s sham election “audit,” including evidence of the review’s partisan and conspiracy-fueled origins. Thanks to you, American Oversight published this report ([link removed]) detailing our findings.
* In Wisconsin ([link removed]) , our dogged pursuit of transparency from the Office of Special Counsel exposed significant failures in record-keeping practices and the wasteful spending of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, creating significant pressure on the office ahead of the firing of Michael Gableman.
But even after significant court victories supporting the public’s right to know, officials in these and other states are determined to keep their communications hidden. Would you consider a monthly $20 gift to support our democracy defense litigation?
American Oversight anticipates new and urgent challenges like those we faced in Arizona and Wisconsin. Reports of attempted hand recounts and refusals to certify midterm election results in Arizona and the coordinated efforts of election-denier activist groups demand further attention. Thank you for considering renewing your support of American Oversight.
We are grateful to do this work protecting our democracy and we could not do it without your help.
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