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Center for a Humane Economy

John — we know you care about the horrendous and unnecessary testing on beagles undertaken for drug development.

Tens of thousands of beagles and primates and hundreds of thousands of other animals are tormented in labs while better methods exist to screen out toxicities in new drugs that can kill people.

You can help us put a stop to this unnecessary treatment right now by donating $10 towards our $25,000 Giving Tuesday goal — every dollar donated before midnight tonight will have 2X the impact>>>

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The good news is the Center for a Humane Economy is leading the effort to get the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 to the President for his signature. We’ve passed the bill once in the U.S. Senate and also in the House of Representatives, and now we just need one more vote to get it to the President.

It’s not just a win for animals, but a reset of our broken drug development paradigm that delivers expensive, often unsafe drugs to patients. What’s more, most of the major diseases that claim family members, friends, and others don’t have cures or any effective treatments.

We talked to Senator after Senator and told them that the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 — which would eliminate an 84-year-old statutory requirement for animal tests for every new drug — was a solution to key flaws in our drug development model. We told them we need to embrace more reliable, faster, less expensive test methods that have been developed with the best 21st-century science. They listened and they acted. Now the House needs to act one more time to get the bill over the finish line.

We need your help for the final push. Make a contribution towards our Giving Tuesday goal before midnight tonight and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar — that’s TWICE the impact to send this life-saving legislation across the finish line!

This measure — actually two measures, the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 and the Reducing Animal Testing Act — stands a very real chance of being signed into law by President Biden before the year ends.

When we get this done with your support, it will be the most significant national policy to reduce animal testing in our nation’s history. Animal testing for drug development almost certainly accounts for more than three-quarters of all animal testing.

We could not have marshaled the resources, the strategy, and the coalition without you. We would have been without critical testimony on Capitol Hill without your letters and support.

Will you make a contribution towards our Giving Tuesday goal today to help us push the FDA Modernization Act across the finish line? Our deadline for our dollar-for-dollar match is MIDNIGHT tonight>>>

Thanks for getting us this far — help us bring this home,

— The whole team @ CHE


The Center for a Humane Economy is the first non-profit animal welfare organization that focuses on influencing the conduct of corporations to forge a humane economic order.

Your donation supports the efforts of our national non-profit to prevent animal cruelty and suffering by influencing corporations to do better in their treatment of animals and protection of the planet.


Center for a Humane Economy
Center for a Humane Economy
PO Box 30845
Bethesda, MD 20824

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