It's #GivingTuesday, help make our dreams come true. logo: a purple letter D and an orange letter O intersecting


When we fight like cats and dogs, we all lose. As a community, we can #DreamTogether to find solutions to all of our nation's biggest problems. By donating to Dream.Org on #GivingTuesday, you can help power our dreams of a world beyond pollution, mass incarceration, and economic inequality. Your gift will support:

  • The Justice team's dream of a world beyond mass incarceration and communities with fewer prisons, safer neighborhoods, and transformed lives.
  • The Tech team's dream of a world beyond economic inequality and access to better careers and more innovation by changing the face of the tech industry.
  • The Green For All team's dream of a world beyond pollution and cleaner air and water, affordable energy, and good jobs for all.

Click Here to Make a Donation

Donate today and join a community of dreamers that believe in freedom, dignity, and opportunity for all.


A purple letter D and an orange letter O intersecting above the word

Making dreams real – together

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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612