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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
There’s still time to make a gift on #GivingTuesday. Here are some of the ways CPJ’s emergencies team has put your support to work in the past, ensuring journalists receive exactly what they need, whether it’s...
●	Physical and digital safety advisories 
● One-on-one safety consultations with journalists at risk
● “Know Your Rights” legal guides for journalists covering protests or the war in Ukraine
● Medical or trauma support
● Support for relocation or resettlement
● Support for journalists in exile

CPJ is constantly assessing the various needs of journalists in different locations all over the world. To meet those needs, we have to understand what they are first. Our support resources are often tailored to specific situations where journalists are most threatened, and your support means the greatest number of journalists are able to have those needs met.

Thank you for being a part of such a life-saving mission and work. 


John D. Weis
Director of Development & Outreach

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States