It's time to make history.
It’s 2020, and together, we can make this the year that huge numbers of people join together to defeat Trump. We believe Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for the job, and if you’re on board, we need you now.
Please, whatever happens, don’t have regrets about whether you did everything you could to get Trump out of the White House.
After you sign up, we’ll keep you updated on how you can move Bernie closer to getting elected. No matter who you are, where you live, or what your skills or abilities are, there will be opportunities for everyone to make concrete change.
Much of the work will be contacting voters in one way or another (think: sending text messages, making phone calls, knocking on doors). That’s because talking to voters is proven to swing elections. But to reach enough voters to win, we need LOTS of volunteers getting involved now.
Look. Bernie Sanders is a HUGE champion of Medicare for All and he’s got the grassroots momentum to beat Trump. All that’s missing is you.
This is our year. Let’s give it all our strength.
In solidarity,
National Nurses United