I’ll be blunt, John.
So much is at stake in this Georgia runoff.
– reducing the price of insulin and pharmaceuticals
– expanding voting rights across the country
– defending our Democracy from Republican assault
Sen. Raphael Warnock is leading the way on ALL of them. But experts say his re-election race will come down to the wire.
So I’m reaching out to my supporters to ask if you’ll chip in to our cause. We’ve made so much progress over these last two years, but we can’t rest on our laurels. There’s more work to be done, and we need Raphael Warnock to help lead the way. So I’m asking you personally: Will you chip in $15 before my End of Month Deadline to help us elect Democrats like Raphael in the coming election cycle and PROTECT every inch of Democratic progress we’ve made? I need 7,002 gifts before my End of Month Deadline to reach my goal and ensure Democrats WIN. >>
John, we only have two choices in this runoff election:
– We can choose the inspirational Senator who’s spent his life spreading love and fighting for working families.
– Or we can choose Donald Trump’s hand-picked candidate who seeks to pull our country backwards.
The choice couldn’t be more clear, John. Will you chip in $15 before my End of Month Deadline so we can finish STRONG, make history once again, and achieve another 2 years of Democratic progress? It would mean so much to me personally. >>