With the upcoming Senate impeachment trial, help defend American democracy. Protect the Investigation
Here’s the latest -- 
The Senate impeachment trial is likely to be a sham if Senate Republicans continue to barrel down the road they are on. Senator Lindsey Graham and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have made clear their intent to acquit the president by any means necessary. 
President of the Constitutional Accountability Center, Elizabeth Wydra, explains why the Senate must convict the president -- doing anything else is an insult to the founders of this country. In this compelling video, Elizabeth highlights the gravity of the decision that must be made by our senators. She reminds them to put aside partisan politics and reinforce the Constitution and American democracy.
Click (or tap) here to watch the full video with Elizabeth to learn more.
As evidence comes to light exposing the president as a crook and criminal, top Senate Republicans are pushing for a process that is inherently unfair and lacks transparency. We can’t let that stand.
More to come --
The Protect the Investigation Team


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