🚨Hey, it’s a 2X MATCH! 🚨
Help Special Olympics athletes and make 2X the impact today!
Things you probably don’t remember:
- Your first pair of socks
- Your first PB&J sandwich
- Your first toothbrush
Things you probably do remember:
- The first team you were a part of
- The first medal you won
- The first friends you made
At Special Olympics, we’re dedicated to giving athletes their most memorable firsts. And your generous help this Giving Tuesday is crucial to making sure TWICE as many athletes have their chance to shine!
Whether it’s the opportunity to shoot the winning shot or hear the crowd chant their name, today your gift will go 2X as far to reach athletes waiting on the sidelines. That’s DOUBLE the joy, but only if you give now!

As a Special Olympics fan, you’ve made it clear that you agree: joy is the best gift of all! We couldn’t do what we do without your ongoing support. Will you join us in our commitment to providing even more firsts this Giving Tuesday? Donate now to make TWICE the impact >>
We sincerely hope you’ll join us in celebrating our incredible athletes by giving TWICE the joy this Giving Tuesday. With millions of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) eager to get in the game, don’t miss this opportunity to help us go 2X as far for athletes.

Don’t wait – your impact is only DOUBLED until midnight tonight.
Let’s change lives together,
❤️, Your friends at Special Olympics