I could tell you about the horrors of live-shackle slaughter, which threatens to drown thousands of terrified birds in vats of boiling water this week. I could describe what it feels like to be trapped in a battery cage, where standing on the rotting corpse of a cagemate is more desirable than the wire mesh floor that digs like daggers into the soft flesh of your feet. Or the desperation faced by a mother pig who will wake up tomorrow to witness her babies being mutilated before her eyes, without pain relief…
But all you really need to know is this:
Today on Giving Tuesday, your donation will spare animals from the very worst abuses in our food system.
And, right now your gift for animals will be tripled.
If ever you’ve considered donating to THL, make today the day. Because for the next 12 hours every dollar you give will go three times as far to help fight animal abuse.
This Giving Tuesday, we’re setting an ambitious goal to raise $40,000 for animals. Because the crimes of the food industry are vast—and without pressure, corporations will continue to abuse animals for profit. And because animals—who are every bit as sensitive as our beloved cats and dogs—will continue to pay the price.
But change is happening. Because of you.
Will you triple your gift today—for the animals?
With gratitude,

Vicky Bond
President |