Desolation Canyon Wilderness Area - Snake River - Utah

Dear John,

We at Earthworks know your generosity isn’t tied to Giving Tuesday or to any particular day on the calendar. You’re motivated by the same thing that drives all of us—a passion for the natural world and a commitment to environmental justice for frontline communities.

This Giving Tuesday we simply want to thank you for everything you do in support of our mission...all year long!

You’ll be hearing more from us about ways you can help defend the rights of threatened communities, protect the iconic places that mean so much to us, and fight for a sustainable future for our natural world. And I know you’ll do your part when you can. 

Today, we want to make sure you know how grateful we are for the committed support of friends like you. Thank you so much for all you do!

Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. If you would like to get a jump on your year-end giving, you are of course welcome to make an online contribution anytime. Click HERE to get started.  |  Make a Donation

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