



#GivingTuesday is here, which means that people around the world are celebrating generosity and kindness by giving back. Thank you to everyone who already donated to the Solidarity Center. Your gift kicks off the holiday season with hope and kindness.

Nearly three years have passed since the  pandemic has shaken us all. Drawing on our extensive network and collective power, we and our labor movement partners pivoted quickly. Refusing to back down despite rising authoritarianism, the loss of millions of lives due to the pandemic, and harrowing inequities derived from xenophobia, corporate greed and the climate crisis, we learned from the pandemic. Through innovation and coalition-building, we adapted our programs to the opportunities and challenges created by COVID-19.

Like you, we believe that worker rights are human rights.
Like you, we want to be part of the necessary change to build a better future for all—and not just the few.
Like you, we refuse to be silenced.

That’s why Solidarity Center staff stands on the frontlines, side by side, with more than 1,000 partners—including 500 union partners—in more than 60 countries to fight for a better and more just future for all. More than 88 percent of our partners are local and grassroots organizations. Our movement partners and local staff are at the forefront of innovation and transformation, re-envisioning bold solutions and upholding democracy through collective worker power and heartfelt solidarity.  Tapping into the foundation of innovation and collective action built painstakingly over the past three years, we are raising our ambitions, accelerating our efforts and improving our coordination among partners and allies. 

We will not rest until we see a new social contract that respects and protects all working people. And we will continue to push, with workers and labor movements around the world, against the rising tide of authoritarianism.

Your generous gift will support our crucial programs that expand access to justice and boost organizing and advocacy skills for workers, unions and their allies in the 60 countries where we reach more than 70 million workers each year. 

As we reimagine a new world of hope and opportunity, we invite you to join us. There are many ways to demonstrate solidarity and donating is one of them.

This is not Charity but #Solidarity! Together we stand. Together we heal. Join us!


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