
Thanks to President Trump, our nation stands at the brink of war with Iran.

With Iran's pledge to retaliate and Trump's choice to instigate further violence with aggressive rhetoric, we must reflect on the terrible costs of war and prevent further bloodshed.

Our wars in the Middle East have resulted in lengthy, costly quagmires -- the lives of thousands of people, trillions of taxpayer dollars, and several generations worth of international peace -- all lost to hastily made decisions.

We must stop these endless wars before it is too late -- Congress must exercise its constitutional powers and steer our country away from these conflicts and their aftermath. And right now I'm troubled that I've heard nothing out of Joni Ernst to put the breaks on Trump's worst impulses that may lead us to war.

So I'm urging Joni Ernst and the rest of Congress to exercise their constitutional powers to seek peace and to do everything we can to prevent another war in the Middle East. Sign our petition and call for a peaceful resolution. If I'm elected to the Senate, I will do everything in my power to prevent another war placed on the shoulders of the American people.

We must urge our leaders to promote peace, to de-escalate the conflict and fight for progress at home, not blood abroad.

Stand with me and sign our petition in calling for a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Congress must act and the President must listen.

Lives are on the line,

Eddie Mauro

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Des Moines, IA 50321