Today is Giving Tuesday! It’s a day for people across the country to show their support for the organizations and causes they care about. We’d be honored to be one of the groups on your list. We’ve set a goal of inspiring 500 individuals to give a gift of any amount today. Will you help us reach our goal? <[link removed]>
<[link removed]>GIVE TODAY <[link removed]>
Forward is inspiring people across the country to get involved in politics and reimagine civic life. Here are a few of the stories we’ve received:
- “One party is becoming increasingly autocratic, the other party doesn’t know how to get out of its own way. Neither party truly represents me. Forward is a party rooted in shared values, not divisive ideology. I’m proud to be helping disaffected Americans become more civically engaged and excited about our innovative way of giving a voice to our communities. - Leslie Villegas, South Florida
- “I am continually inspired by the people I meet, all committed to finding solutions that benefit our community and working to move our state and our country Forward. The movement we are building is making a difference right now. Our push for open primaries and ranked-choice voting in Nevada was on the ballot this year. This happened because regular folks like you and me were inspired by and found a community through Forward.” - Cesar Marquez, Nevada
- “I never saw the need to be engaged beyond showing up to vote. Then with Andrew Yang and the Forward Party, I felt there was finally someone taking a more nuanced approach to solving the problems facing everyday Americans. For the first time in my life, I got involved in politics. At Forward, I get to witness people of all political backgrounds work together to build a community focused on conversation and common ground.” - Heather Herrygers, Western Michigan
- “The Forward Party is a movement focused on tackling the shortcoming of our two-party system and finding solutions that work for our communities. I like to think of Forward Party’s mission as the three R’s: 1) Reforming the broken political system with solutions like independent redistricting or ranked-choice and final-five voting; 2) Representing the mainstream majority of their constituents rather than just special interests or extreme activists; 3) Resolving differences across party lines to actually get things done.” - Erik Carter, New York City
These are just a few examples of the type of comments we receive on a weekly basis. If you’re inspired by the work of the Forward Party like these folks are, please consider giving today. Even a gift of just $5 will help us reach our goal of 500 donors this Giving Tuesday. <[link removed]>
The Forward Party is committed to reforming our political system to strengthen our democracy and give voice to those left behind by the two parties. Help us build on our momentum and move our country Forward Together with a donation of any amount today. <[link removed]> Thank you for considering us this Giving Tuesday.
The Forward Party
Forward Party - PO Box 9172, Fredericksburg, VA 22403, United States
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