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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
Earlier this year, at the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, CPJ mobilized for a rapid response and began working to ensure journalists could cover the war as safely as possible. That meant safety guides in multiple languages. It meant providing journalists on the ground with individual first aid kits with hemostatic gauze and burn dressings. It meant setting up a temporary hub in Berlin, as well as traveling to Georgia, Hungary, and Poland to understand better what journalists are facing.

Ukraine journalists
(Reuters/Carlos Barria)
Beyond the Ukraine war, the press freedom situation wasn’t much better. Attacks on journalists continued in Haiti and Mexico, a civil war raged in Ethiopia, and most recently, widespread protests in Iran have resulted in mass arrests of journalists and online censorship intended to silence reporting of what’s happening across the country.

And yet, wherever journalists have found themselves threatened, CPJ is there–doing all we can to ensure they are not alone. That’s been our mandate for more than forty years, and as we stand with these journalists, we know you do too. 

However you choose to help, your help matters. Whether you’re sharing CPJ’s work on social media, inviting family and friends to join us in our fight, or making a gift to keep journalists safe: thank you for being a part of #GivingTuesday and making a difference. 


John D. Weis
Director of Development & Outreach

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States