Dear Friends,

Today is #GivingTuesday, a day to donate in support of NRCAT members across the U.S. who are Finding Our Voices: Making Change Together.

We are grateful for each of you – our supporters – whose annual donations to NRCAT make possible the dynamic work of our diverse religious partners and community leaders, many of whom are torture survivors. Through NRCAT, together, they are finding their voices in the movement and making transformative change!

Your #GivingTuesday donation allows NRCAT members to continue to use a series of powerful new film resources and educational guides we developed in 2022 to energize campaign efforts and spotlight community leaders. We look forward to releasing new interviews of solitary survivors to you from our short film series, Humans Out of Solitary, in our year-end fundraising campaign.

Your #GivingTuesday donation also moves NRCAT one step closer to our end of year fundraising campaign goal of $30,000. Each #GivingTuesday contribution is doubled with our year-end challenge grant. A gift of $15 becomes $30, $50 becomes $100, and $250 becomes $500.

Thank you for standing with us.

Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

PS – Share NRCAT’s message with your online community on social media:

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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