Remember EMET on Giving Tuesday

EMET will call for congressional hearings to ensure that everything that could be done to protect these freedom-loving dissidents will be done. EMET also believes that rewarding the Iranian regime with a multibillion-dollar reward, in US taxpayers’ dollars, for a nuclear deal will only solidify and reinforce the Iranian regime’s power. We know it will not go to the people who are financially being robbed by the regime, which has only used its money for its vast nuclear arsenal and for its various terrorist proxies around the globe

EMET is your voice on Capitol Hill. Investing in EMET means supporting a young organization, which is lean, intelligent, dedicated, and capable. Nothing is wasted on bloated bureaucracy or cushy Washington D.C. real estate. Supporting EMET means getting your contribution directly to the front lines of the war of Ideas, where it matters the most. Your support is essential for these our work to continue.
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