![]() Dear Patriot, How would you like it if Congress pumped TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars into a spending black hole in only a matter of months? And NO ONE -- neither the American public nor the Swamp -- had any idea: >>> What the TRILLIONS
are paying for, >>> What banks and Wall Street firms are gobbling up, >>> When the spending BOONDOOGLE will end, or >>> The ultimate devastation it will wreak on the American economy. Patriot, I’ve just described the money printing binge the Federal Reserve launched in September. And with no end in sight, the Fed’s bailout sheet now stands at $4.17 trillion! For perspective -- the entire annual federal budget is “ONLY” $4 trillion!It’s insanity. Who’s gobbling up all this money? The Fed won’t tell you and me, and they won’t tell members of Congress. And they don’t have to -- unless you and I pass my Audit the Fed bill to shine a spotlight on the Fed’s actions and cut through the darkness they use to cover their actions from the public eye. That’s why it’s absolutely vital you sign the Audit the Fed petition I’ve prepared for you insisting that your U.S. Representative cosponsors H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I designed this bill to remove restrictions on Congress’ ability to know what the Federal Reserve is doing to our money. Under current law, the Federal Reserve can conduct its own foreign policy in complete secrecy independent of the Executive Branch by making deals and lending money to foreign central banks and governments. How can an entity as powerful as the Federal Reserve operate with no accountability? Congress created the Federal Reserve -- and our elected representatives need to take back their ability to conduct informed oversight. Without the ability to conduct a full and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve, politicians are just fumbling around in the dark in their oversight role. And with their vast power, the unelected, unaccountable, and secretive Federal Reserve holds our economic fates in their hands -- as well as our nation’s political future. Worse, with Fed policies making it possible, the Deep State appears to have just sent us hurdling into another war abroad, and our economy could easily veer toward total collapse -- perhaps one even worse than the last financial crisis of 2008. It’s never been more important that you and I expose the Federal Reserve NOW, before it’s too late. Or else every last shred of American wealth could be wiped out. That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign the “AUDIT THE FED NOW!” petition I’ve prepared for you right away. The good news is, thanks to the action of good folks like you, we’re building momentum. In fact, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie’s House version is now up to 98 cosponsors after Campaign for Liberty added nearly 30 House cosponsors through targeted online ads and grassroots mobilization efforts. But the fact is, we have to do more. And FAST. Your signed petition is absolutely critical to our efforts to pass Audit the Fed. But I hope you won’t stop there. If possible, please agree to your most generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty: 1) Deploy targeted online ads like the ones we ran in June, which generated 22 new cosponsors. This may be THE most cost-effective way for you and me to turn up the heat! 2) Use mail and email to contact up to 12 million Americans from coast-to-coast to generate petitions to Congress. 3) Work the talk-radio lines to explain exactly why Audit the Fed is absolutely critical to stopping the economic DISASTER I’m worried is right around the corner. 4) Launch an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain to the American people exactly why the Federal Reserve MUST be exposed. Of course, I’d like to do even more -- including radio and even TV ads -- if I can raise the funds. But unlike the Fed, I can’t just snap my fingers and create money out of thin air. Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do. So in addition to signing your petition, will you please agree to your most generous gift of $75 right away? I know that’s a lot to ask for. But your action and generosity have proven to work. You are making an incredible impact. Of course, if $75 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25. I truly believe we can finally Audit the Fed and hold off the financial disaster that’s headed our way. But only with your help. So please sign your petition to your U.S. Representative and make your most generous contribution of $75, $50, or at least $25 at once! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. America is strapped under a national debt of over $23 TRILLION thanks to Congress’ never-ending spending spree and decades of the Fed’s print-now, ask-questions-later monetary policy. America could already be veering toward a disaster unmatched in history and the Federal Reserve is on a money printing binge like we haven’t seen since the last financial crisis of 2008. If we don’t expose the Fed now, I’m worried this collapse could wipe out every last shred of American wealth! So please sign the petition I’ve prepared for you urging your U.S. Representative to cosponsor Audit the Fed. And if possible, please agree to a generous contribution of $75, $50, or at least $25 IMMEDIATELY! |