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Dear friend,

Former Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton came together for an interview on "The Problem with Jon Stewart" last week and defended endless war for America. Stewart pushed back, reflecting QI's efforts to redefine U.S. foreign policy.

The Quincy Institute exists to challenge a U.S. foreign policy of domination and militarism. Help us lessen Washington's addiction to war by making a contribution today. Together, we can build a foreign policy that makes war the exception and peace the norm.

$50 funds ten trips on the subway from our office to Capitol Hill for meetings with Members of Congress or their staff.
$500 covers the printing cost of our annual report.
$5,000 pays an intern for four months of work at QI, where they get training in research, writing and communications and help build our young organization.

Make a 100% tax-deductible gift to the Quincy Institute today! We promise to put the money to good use.


Lora Lumpe, CEO  

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