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Dear Friend,
Here at the National Center for Law and Economic Justice, we are grateful to people seeking justice and fairness everywhere. That includes our generous donors and partners, our incredible board members and staff, and you. As attorneys working in vulnerable communities and in the courts every day, we see the impact of your support.  
Keep NCLEJ Going
With your continued support, we can keep shining a light on front-line home care workers who are denied fair wages and safe working conditions. Home health aides are the backbone of the care sector and helped many to survive the pandemic. Many of these workers are immigrant women, and deserve better, and NCLEJ is proud to fight for their rights.
You can fuel NCLEJ’s support to communities in Buffalo, New York, who are defining what safety means to them by challenging racially-biased policing and disrespect. Our litigation in Buffalo revealing widespread racism in the Buffalo Police Department has gained incredible traction in the media.
Thanks to you, hundreds of people with disabilities in Suffolk County can put food on the table. Read about the groundbreaking settlement here

Your past support helped thousands in Tennessee and New York to obtain and keep vital driver’s licenses so they can drive to work and school and take care of their families. In New York, we reversed 3 million suspensions benefiting 1.4 million people. In Tennessee, we lifted 237,000 revocations affecting 118,000 drivers.  

These are only a few examples of how your help makes a big impact. On this #GivingTuesday we thank you for standing with us and the communities we serve. Please make a one-time or recurring gift to keep NCLEJ strong.

Donate Today

Our work to create economic justice is far from over because too many are living in poverty, and our safety net is broken, as the pandemic continues to reveal. The change we seek requires years of consistent effort against entrenched systems. NCLEJ commits more than ever to use the law to uphold due process, protected rights, and access to public benefits. 

With deep gratitude,

Dennis Parker
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
Copyright © 2022 NCLEJ, All rights reserved.
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