On the way: 5 minipigs | View invoice and take action
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To stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, we must first stop wasteful
government spending.
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Taxpayer – in honor of Giving Tuesday, a generous
supporter is matching every single dollar donated
[[link removed]] to White Coat Waste Project (WCW) up to $35,000 to help us raise a combined
And this opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time…
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BREAKING INVESTIGATION: Our investigators just uncovered evidence that government white coats at the
Department of Defense (D.O.D.) are DECAPITATING PIGLETS in horrific blast
explosion experiments.
Taxpayer, this Giving Tuesday, I’m pleading that you will join us in taking immediate action
[[link removed]] to cancel taxpayer funding for D.O.D. experiment #W81XWH20C0031… before five more intelligent baby minipigs are TORTURED on our tax dime:
• BRED TO SUFFER: The D.O.D.’s white coats purchase the piglets from the notorious Marshall
Farms, a large supplier of animals for government labs. They’ll spend the entirety of their short lives in a cold, wire cage.
• PAINFUL SURGERIES: Once the babies arrive at the Pentagon’s lab, white coats will drill holes into
their tiny skulls and screw in “pressure sensors.”
• RESTRAINED IN A “SHOCK TUBE:” Then, the "D.O.D Five" will be shoved into a “shock tube” and restrained by
their snouts. They won't be able to move a muscle.
• BLASTED WITH EXPLOSIVES: Next, the white coats will pump the shock tube full of gas and “ignite the
mixture with an electric match.” According to the experimenters, some of the piglets will die immediately.
• HEADS CHOPPED OFF: Finally, each piglet will be decapitated, and their heads put on ice.
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All Giving Tuesday Gifts MATCHED.SAVE THE "D.O.D. Five" >
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Taxpayer, the government has already forced taxpayers –
AKA you and I – to pay $16.3M for these disgusting, mad science experiments.
Now, the D.O.D.’s white coats are demanding another $2.5M of our hard-earned tax
dollars to blow up and decapitate EVEN MORE piglets!
The Pentagon has declared war on minipigs. So today – on Giving Tuesday -- we’re
declaring WAR ON WASTE!
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Stop paying for this!DOUBLE MY DONATION >
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Taxpayer, we’re a small organization with 20 employees
funded by an average donation of about $20.
However, the D.O.D. is the LARGEST EMPLOYER IN THE WORLD… with a $1.64 TRILLION
budget! This is a David vs. Goliath situation.
Luckily, our small-but-mighty team of campaigners has never been afraid to CHALLENGE GOVERNMENT!
Thanks to the donations of thousands of taxpayers like you, WCW has ended more
wasteful government labs than any other organization:
✂️ Shut down all painful experiments on dogs at the VA. We’re the first group in American history to shutter dog testing across an
entire federal agency.
✂️ Closed the federal government’s largest cat lab. The USDA’s ‘Kitten Slaughterhouse’ wasted $22 million and killed over 3,000
healthy kittens.
✂️ Cut monkey experiments at the FDA by 44%. No other group has shut down any primate labs since 2015.
✂️ Stopped Dr. Fauci’s beagle experiments. WCW shocked the world when we first exposed the #BeagleGate scandal. No other
group has closed any government dog labs in nearly two decades.
✂️ 1st Exposed and ended NIH funding for animal tests at the Wuhan lab (the suspected source of the COVID-19 pandemic).
Taxpayer, this Giving Tuesday, we need your help again
[[link removed]] … this time, to give at least five lab piglets the lives they deserve: rolling
around in the mud on a sanctuary, not headless in a lab!
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Taxpayer, the "D.O.D. Five" have no one fighting for them
besides you and me.
Please rush whatever you can afford – even if it’s just $5 ($1 per piglet) – to
help us fully fund a new rapid response campaign to Challenge Government and end
this egregious waste of our tax dollars before 11:59 pm TONIGHT.
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Rachel Wissner
Development Manager
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. ALL GIVING TUESDAY DONATIONS MATCHED: Taxpayer, if you rush a donation to save the "D.O.D.
Five" piglets before midnight tonight, it will be matched – dollar for dollar –
by a generous supporter.
Donate $5 Becomes $10 w/ Match >
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Donate $15 Becomes $30 w/ Match >
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Donate $25 Becomes $50 w/ Match >
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Donate $50 Becomes $100 w/ Match >
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Donate $100 Becomes $200 w/ Match >
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Double Other Donation Amount >
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
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White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog. Contributions
are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-085643