Dear John,
As a regular reader of the WRI Digest, you know as well as anyone that the world faces an alarming number of challenges to people and the environment—from droughts in Africa to flooding in South Asia. These are problems that threaten millions of people and their livelihoods worldwide.
At the same time, you know that solutions to protect both people and nature are out there. At WRI, we are working to develop rigorous research, forge partnerships and provide support to scale solutions to make a real difference in people’s lives.
That’s why today, I’m heartened to share that Phyllis and Royal Kiehl have challenged WRI to match their gift and double the impact of this #GivingTuesday. Will you help us raise $33,000 by 11:59pm tonight, John?
Individual gifts from people like you — people who recognize the importance of creating change in the world — are one of WRI’s most important types of support. Your gift enables WRI to work alongside decision makers and other partners around the world to transform societies and economies, applying our count it, change it, scale it approach to turn bright ideas into action.
So please, don’t miss out on this special opportunity to double the impact this Giving Tuesday! With your support, we’ll keep pushing as hard as ever so that the natural world is protected for generations to come, and a safe, prosperous future is accessible to everyone.
With my gratitude,
Michael Oko
Acting Head of Communications
World Resources Institute