Free the POWs.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Ashli Babbitt’s Mother: J6 Political Prisoners Are Doomed To A ‘Circus In The Court Room’ And A Tainted Jury Pool
Free the POWs.

Since Jan. 20, 2021, America has gone swiftly from being a free republic to being an authoritarian regime in which foes of the rulers are locked up and subjected to conditions that are designed to destroy them and deter others ...

Jihad-Rep. Ilhan Omar Accused of Being Qatari Asset
If we had a responsible, objective media, election of these terrorists could never happen. Instead, the worst of the worst are exalted and heralded. America cannot survive the fifth column.

DHH Asst Secretary Sought Studies Favoring Gender Transitions for Minors
Castration, genital mutilation, breast removal promoted by Biden's Department of Health and Human Services…..

Levine – exemplar of everything wrong, unhealthy and mentally disturbed.

Rachel Levine sought studies favoring gender ...

Dubious Biden DoE Official Samuel Britton Charged with Stealing Woman’s Luggage at Minneapolis Airport 
The Biden regime has made a mockery, a terrible joke, of our the US government.

Worse still, the Democrat media axis, has devoted not one column inch to this horror story. If it were a Trump official……

Controversial energy official ...

Why is the American left so silent about what’s happening in China? Because it's exactly what they want to do.

Protests in China are not rare. What *is* rare, are multiple protests over the same issue, at the same time, across the country. ...

YouTube Censored User After He Published Democrats’ 2016 ‘Stolen Election’ Claims
That's how it works in a autocracy. The controls  the flow of information everywhere which is why they are exploding over Elon Musk's purchase of twitter. And Musk is hardly a right winger. But is vocal defense of our first amendment rights make ...

Children’s Hospital Is Stacking Its Bench Of Chaplains With Trans Activists
Stacking the deck. These things don't just happen. They are made to happen; Who is behind it?

Wisconsin Children’s Hospital Is Stacking Its Bench Of Chaplains With Trans Activists

Children's Wisconsin's recent chaplain hires are ...

Biden Lifts Sanctions on Venezuela, Allows Chevron to Drill For Oil in Venezuela
Oil production for brutal dictatorships but not for America.

Wall Street Journal: The U.S. said it would allow Chevron Corp. to resume pumping oil from its Venezuelan oil fields after President Nicolás Maduro’s government and an opposition ...

Republicans reconsider resistance to ballot harvesting and early voting amid midterm losses
If the Republican Party does not develop an early voting and ballot harvesting apparatus to compete with the Democrats they will not win a national election again. They either adapt to America's new voting reality or go into extinction. Lee Zeldin ...
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