From 3800% IMPACT INCREASE (via GOP) <>
Subject 60 MINUTES
Date November 29, 2022 3:00 AM
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Official RNC Updates Please hurry.

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TO: John


This message is only 88 words.

Herschel’s Senate runoff is in only 8 days, and we can’t afford to FALL
SHORT of ourNovember End-of-Month Goal if we’re going to help him flip Georgia
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Can we count on YOU to claim your 3800% IMPACT
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in the NEXT HOUR and help us get back on track to WIN Georgia’s Senate seat?
Don’t let us down when we need you the mo

Contribute $30 in the NEXT HOUR to claim your 3800% BONUS IMPACT OFFER and
help Herschel Walker FLIP GEORGIA RED.
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Thank you,


Paid for by the Republican National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate
or candidate's committee. <[link removed]>
Republican National Committee (RNC)
310 1st Street SE
Washington, DC, 20003-1885, US

We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with
the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Republican Party.

Thank you for joining our movement. It's because of Patriots, like YOU, that
we will take back the Senate and the House in 2022. Reaching grassroots
supporters directly is CRITICAL if we're going to succeed, and in order to do
that, we need to provide them with the most up-to-date information on all of
our efforts.

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It's because of the commitment and support from real Patriots, like YOU John
that we will WIN BIG in 2022!

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