We're so grateful you're part of our community.
Advocate, friends like you were so generous during our $50,000 matching gift campaign, and we want to thank you for that.

You are an integral part of our movement to build a democracy as good as our ideals. And your partnership has never been more critical.

But our work is far from over. This election year we will be working harder than ever to eliminate barriers to voting. And as the 2020 Census kicks off, we will continue engaging communities to ensure they get the resources and political power they deserve.

Plus, our fight continues to advance immigrant rights, protect our federal courts, fight hate and white supremacy, and demand action.

All of this work is possible with committed supporters like you by our side. Thank you for making civil and human rights a priority in 2020.

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. In case you missed it, a Wisconsin judge just ordered the state to purge more than 200,000 voter registrations. Voter purges are an urgent threat nationwide, from Ohio to Georgia to Wisconsin. We can't allow the right to vote to be taken from ANY voter. Make no mistake, these tactics are a threat to our democracy — especially in a contentious presidential election year. We are working with voters in these states to update registrations, and we'll keep you posted with any developments in the months ahead.
1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
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