Here’s the true story of a friend that inspired me to take this challenge:


Our 30 Days of Unexpected Gratitude is underway. Before I share my story for today, I wanted to ask you personally:

Will you share a story of unexpected gratitude with our team today?


Here’s the true story of a friend that inspired me to take this challenge:

After college, Jon moved into an apartment building right next to an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Henes, and he loved this couple. He would ride the elevator often with Mr. Henes and just say, “Man, you live a great life. One day you’re gonna have to tell me your secret.” And Mr. Henes would look at him and say, “One day, Jon, I will.”

Well, a month went by and Jon didn’t see Mr. Henes, and got a knock on his door. And there he opened it and it was Mrs. Henes. And Mrs. Henes said, “Jon, my husband has passed. And it was a great passing, his family was all around him. And in the final days, he began to pen a lot of letters of gratitude to people he felt were important in his life. Here is your letter.”

Jon opened the letter and read. And Mr. Henes said, “Jon, you wanted to know my secret for a great life. Well, I’ll tell you, I didn’t always think my life was great. I had an alcoholic father who abused me, and then I went on to abuse alcohol and drugs myself. I destroyed my health, I destroyed a marriage, but one day I decided that I would be grateful. That I would be grateful for everything, the good and the bad, that I would believe that everything is conspiring for my good and I would feel grateful. And Jon, that’s when my life changed. I live a life of gratitude, and I want you to know that I’m grateful for you holding the door open for me, carrying my bags, and always making me feel special and wise. That’s the secret, Jon. Live a life of gratitude.”

Thanks for reading, John, and for sharing your story with us.

With love and gratitude,
