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Pew Research Center
Journalism & Media
January 07, 2020
Daily Briefing of Media News [link removed]
In Today's news: Facebook bans deepfakes ahead of the 2020 election, Sports Illustrated staffers announce intention to unionize and a federal judge blocks a request by freelance journalists in California to exempt them from a new labor law.
Top Stories
Facebook bans deepfakes, but new policy may not cover controversial Pelosi video ([link removed])
Drew Harwell, Tony Romm, Isaac Stanley-Becker / The Washington Post / Jan 7, 2020
Sports Illustrated staffers announce intention to unionize ([link removed])
Kerry Flynn / CNN / Jan 6, 2020
Federal judge holds freelancers to new California labor law ([link removed])
Don Thompson / The Associated Press / Jan 6, 2020
Press & Government
View: “The march to war is a hell of a drug”: With Trump’s Iran conflict, the media is under a microscope ([link removed])
Joe Pompeo / Vanity Fair / Jan 6, 2020
View: Sleepwalking into 2020 ([link removed])
Ed Pilkington, Jim Waterson, Adam Gabbatt, Savannah Jacobson, Lauren Harris, Akintunde Ahmad / Columbia Journalism Review / Jan 6, 2020
Newspaper News
California’s oldest weekly newspaper saved from folding ([link removed])
CBS 13 / Jan 6, 2020
Online Media
Disinformation for hire: How a new breed of PR firms is selling lies online ([link removed])
Craig Silverman, Jane Lytvynenko, William Kung / BuzzFeed / Jan 6, 2020
Tumblr is rolling out an internet literacy initiative to help combat misinformation and cyberbullying ([link removed])
Julia Alexander / The Verge / Jan 6, 2020
We’re entering a new golden age of China journalism ([link removed])
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian / Axios / Jan 7, 2020
VAT ruling on Times digital edition could save News UK millions ([link removed])
Jim Waterson / The Guardian / Jan 6, 2020
Awash in disinformation before vote, Taiwan points finger at China ([link removed])
Raymond Zhong / The New York Times / Jan 6, 2020
The Daily Briefing of Media News is edited by Amy Mitchell and Katerina Eva Matsa and compiled by Pew Research Center staff, including: Michael Barthel, Jeffrey Gottfried, Elizabeth Grieco, Maya Khuzam, Elisa Shearer, Galen Stocking, Mason Walker and Kirsten Worden.
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