Playing political games at the federal level won't fix our border
crisis, and it definitely won't protect our communities here in
[link removed]:
National Republicans are moving in the right direction. But we
can't afford to wait for Republicans to take control of Congress
in January, hope Mayorkas eventually steps down, or rest on a
lengthy investigation to force his impeachment.
Texas Republicans are working now to stop the border crisis and
protect Texans.
Lives are truly at stake-Travis County alone already suffered 118
fentanyl deaths in the first 6 months of 2022, the same number as
all of 2021.
We can't wait for Congress to figure out a plan. We are taking
action now, but we need you with us.
[link removed]:
One of our legislative priorities is to "Secure the Border and
Protect Texans." It includes a call to deny all taxpayer-funded
services to illegal aliens, declare an invasion on our Texas
border, and have our Governor do everything in his power to
protect Texans from this invasion, including sending illegal
aliens back over the border-not merely turning them over to
Border Patrol for "catch and release."
[link removed]:
Texas legislators are already filing bills for the upcoming
legislative session, and we are working to ensure our legislative
priorities-priorities voted on by you at the State Convention-are
passed into law. Send in your support now to aid our Legislative
Victory fund.
Defending Texas and Saving America,
Texas Republicans
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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768
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