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January 2020
Dear John,
Happy New Year! We hope the holiday season has been both relaxing and festive and the new year is off to a great start. We have some new resources for you!
Calendar of Observances
Use our popular calendar to increase awareness of and respect for religious observances and ethnic and cultural festivities that may affect students, colleagues and neighbors in your community.
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Table Talk: What is Heterosexism and What Can I Do About It?
Engage in a family discussion about the interpersonal and structural manifestations of heterosexism in society and schools.
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Book of the Month: Harbor Me
It all starts when six young people have to meet for a weekly chat—by themselves, with no adults to listen in. They discover it's a safe place to express their feelings and fears that they have to hide from the rest of the world. (Ages 10 and up)
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Anti-Semitism Around the World: Global 100
Help high school students understand anti-Semitism by exploring anti-Semitic attitudes and stereotypes by people around the world using ADL's Global 100 website.
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Webinar: Creating Context for Teaching Night
January 13th @ 4PM EST
Join Echoes & Reflections webinar to discover ways to teach Elie Wiesel’s Night within the larger historical framework of the Holocaust.
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Anti-Bias Curriculum for Sale
Use our elementary, middle and high school curriculum guides. They are designed to help students explore identity, understand and appreciate differences, and analyze and challenge bias.
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(c)2020 Anti-Defamation League. All rights reserved.
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