4 shifts this week for Warnock
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A triptych with three images. On the left, two people holding a

Jews for Warnock banner over an overpass. In the center, a group of

people smiling towards the camera and putting their hands together in

a stack. On the right, a group of masked people holding up a Bend the

Arc banner.

Eight days left: Join Jews for Warnock before the Georgia runoff next Tuesday.

Sign up for a phonebank shift this week!



This weekend, early voting started in Georgia — after Republicans tried to stop it. Luckily the Georgia Supreme Court denied their naked attempt at silencing voters.1,2


So when you talk to a Georgia voter this week, they may be able to cast their vote right away to make a difference in the Senate runoff! 


Join Jews and allies to help power Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock to victory. Sign up for a shift to turn out Georgia voters this week:




You’ll find more dates on the calendar here.


The attempt to block early voting is just a small example of the barriers faced by Georgia voters:


After a large grassroots effort increased turnout among Black and other non-white voters and helped Democrats win upset victories in the 2020 presidential and US Senate races, Republicans responded and passed a 98-page measure, SB 202. The law placed sweeping new restrictions on voting, even after the state affirmed repeatedly that there was no evidence of fraud.

“There’s no doubt that the Senate bill 202 push, much like the January 6 insurrection, was a response to the sort of multiracial rising American electorate. Full stop,” said Nsé Ufot, chief executive of the New Georgia Project Action Fund.3


We’re proud to team up with amazing organizations like New Georgia Project Action Fund, Black to the Future Action Fund, and Community Change Action to help Georgians exercise their freedom to vote. 


Phonebanking doesn’t just help reelect Rev. Warnock, expand the Democratic Senate majority, and defeat MAGA Republican Herschel Walker — it also disrupts decades of voter suppression by politicians who want to build a country only for themselves.


Join Jews and allies to call Georgia voters this week — we have shifts every night except Shabbat.


Onwards together,

The Bend the Arc team



1. CNN, Republicans ask Georgia high court to halt Saturday voting in US Senate runoff

2. NBC News, Georgia Supreme Court shoots down Republican bid to halt early voting in Senate runoff on Saturday

3. The Guardian, ‘Death by a thousand cuts’: Georgia’s new voting restrictions threaten midterm election


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