Dear friend,
As I spent Thanksgiving with my family this year, I couldn't help but think of all the incarcerated people and their families who are having to spend Thanksgiving apart. At FAMM, we're fighting tirelessly to pass the EQUAL Act by the end of the year to eliminate the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine and potentially bring families together by this time next year for the holidays.
But we can't do this work without you, friends.
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, and we're trying to raise $10,000 for this important work. Can you give a gift right now to help us reach our goal?
Tomorrow, November 29, you'll hear from Yvonne Mosley and Christopher Holyfield, who celebrated Thanksgiving together last week for the first time since 2000.
Chris was granted compassionate release thanks to changes FAMM secured in the First Step Act. In addition to his remarkable rehabilitation, the judge took into account a memo from the government that said the crack-to-powder sentencing disparity — which gave Chris such a long sentence in the first place — should be abolished.
By giving a gift today, you help us fight for people like Chris.
Thank you for all that you do to help people get second chances.

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM