Prices Start at Just $1!!!
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Prices Start at Just $1
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Times are tough and money is tight! We're revisiting our SuperSale
prices for Cyber Monday. Prices start at $1! Please consider supporting
the OP today!
NOTE: I know that many of you get paid on the first of the month. If
there is a purchase you want to make but you can't afford it until
then, make a note of the product and price. Then, drop us a line on the
first at
[email protected] and we'll give you a coupon so
you can still receive the sale price.
Go here to find all our sale prices:
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If you plan to shop on Amazon, please visit the site through our link in
the article above. We'll get a small commission at no additional charge
to you.
Thank you so much for supporting the OP all year long. You're very
Shp Now
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