Published Monday, November 26, 2022


This Wednesday at NOON

Central Oklahoma Home Builders






Our current healthcare system employs a magician’s bag full of tricks to hide the real price from the buyer.

Hiding, modifying, or tampering with the true price FOR ANY REASON is anti-free market. 

The Healthcare Industry has Lost its Way.

It has become an industry that sees patients not as individuals, but as a means to an end, a cog in a money-making machine. Patients have been conditioned to accept this.

Physicians vow to “do no harm,” yet the model contributes to excessive waste, medical errors, and the financial ruin of ordinary folks who are being severely over-charged.

No medical school is preparing future doctors to think like entrepreneurs. The Free Market Medical Association (FMMA) is training medical students in the concept.

The FMMA was founded in 2014 by Jay Kempton and Dr. Keith Smith based on their mutual desire to change the face of healthcare. Their goal is to bring together buyers and sellers of healthcare goods and services –reducing costs and increasing quality.


Steve Forbes is publisher of Forbes. As a candidate in Republican presidential primaries, Steve Forbes enjoyed the endorsements of Jack Kemp. Forbes is known for his advocacy of free-markets.

Steve Forbes has advocated for and participated with Dr. Keith Smith in the FMMA project.

Joining us this Wednesday is Dr. G. Keith Smith. Dr. Smith is a board-certified anesthesiologist who co-founded The Surgery Center of Oklahoma (SCO), an outpatient surgery center owned by over 50 of the top physicians and surgeons in central Oklahoma.

Dr. Smith garnered national, and international attention when he launched a website that displays SCO’s pricing for surgical procedures. Many uninsured or underinsured patients in North America have taken advantage of this cash pricing. 

The New York Times, ABC News, Forbes, and many others have written articles featuring Dr. Smith’s revolutionary approach to the pricing of health care and uncompromising free market principles. Dr. Smith has made appearances on the John Stossel Show, CNBC, Huffington Post, The O’Reilly Factor, Capital Account with Lauren Lyster, and the Ron Paul Channel. He has also been featured by Reason Magazine’s TV division, and NBC affiliate, KFOR. 

Dr. Smith will be our guest this Wednesday and will tell us about the many issues his Oklahoma hospital and his nationwide medical network have fought to bring you and me fair and reasonable pricing for surgical care and other medical procedures.


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Central Oklahoma Home Builders

11:00 AM Doors open

11:30 AM Lunch

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting

Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association

420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114




Doors open 11:00 AM


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.

Lunch 11:30 AM

Meeting NOON to 1:15 PM

Optional Lunch: $10


Table of Contents


They Call Us Vandals


Will Carless is Will Careless

Media Bias USA Today and The Oklahoman


They Call Us Vandals

This Wednesday we will host Dr. Keith Smith, the co-founder of two major medical institutions. Both are national in scope. He will address the fundamental issue of honesty as it applies to the medical slice of the American cultural pie. Both his hospital and his coalition have attracted patients and providers from all over north America including Canada.

There is an educational element in his portfolio. His organization raises funds to provide business training for medical school students to help them understand the ethical elements of free-market economic principles as they apply to the field of medical care.

We would be wise to use the $10 Million to $20 Million in funds currently housed in our universities’ DEI budgets to provide the more useful educational programs for which Dr. Smith is raising funds.

Dr. Smith’s FMMA curriculum represents

a meaningful service to all Oklahomans. 

The existing DEI departments are not just useless to Oklahoma society, they are designed to destroy the host culture (the American Republic) for the purpose of replacing it with a vision of the discredited myths of both world history and American history as re-written by Marxist rhetoricians.

As Sir Roger Scruton wrote in his 2015 book, Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands:

From this state of bewildered scepticism the student may take a leap of faith.

It is always a leap into the world of free choice and free opinion, in which nothing has authority and nothing is objectively right or wrong.

It is a playground world, in which all are equally entitled to their culture, their lifestyle and their opinions.

And that is why, paradoxically, the postmodern curriculum is so censorious – in just the way that liberalism is censorious, When everything is permitted, it is vital to forbid the forbidder.

We are in the midst of a cultural war in Oklahoma, as are all Americans. It is a war that pits autonomous mankind against Christ and his people. It bleeds into every segment of academics including not just departments of philosophy and literature, but the sciences, the arts, and industry as well. Communist China’s social credit scoring is already making headway into our own wheels of industry and commerce as noted on The Hill here.

It is why the Christian conservatives in Oklahoma from the grass roots to our legislators and on up to the Governor are focusing so much on education. Much of our opposition is found in the offices of Oklahoma's superintendents and administrators.

Eight years ago, Garrison Keillor, the lovable, engaging, amusing, but also the always insufferable leftist ideologue, wrote in his 2006 book, Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts from the Heart of America the following:

When you wage war on the public schools, you're attacking the mortar that holds the community together. You're not a conservative, you're a vandal.

He would like his reader to believe that conservatives are at war against teachers and the institution of education. I don’t think he wants to articulate the actual nuts and bolts of this “war on the public schools” he likens to cultural vandalism. I might need to put a call in to him in this regard.

I don't imagine he would want to include the actual conservative's story in his book, as his cute little phrase would then evaporate into thin air.

The “conservative war” is, of course, not against the institution or against the idea of education or against teachers, but, rather, the current moral, spiritual, and intellectual destruction of the children who represent the future of civilization on earth. Our children are being taught alternate realities of gender identity and the mechanics of sexual perversion. And, of course, academics are falling by the wayside. I covered the evidence of this in last week's newsletter which may be found here.

It is a war initiated by the radical left

through the teacher unions and

the administrative unions:


Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administrators


Oklahoma State School Boards Association


National Educators Association


Oklahoma division of the NEA



Last week, I received an email from Oklahomans for Health and Parental Rights (OKHPR) which noted that our Bixby superintendent of schools, Rob Miller, had the Garrison Keillor quote I just mentioned on his Facebook page.

I have learned that since the election, Mr. Miller removed it.

However, it is an indication of the kinds of people our school boards have hired and provided a free rein over our children’s education.

Clearly, we have much work to do in educating our school board members regarding the role they play in furthering the civilization Western culture has bequeathed us. And for the responsibility they have to find superintendents who will represent Oklahoma's Christian values.

The Christian West, with its Puritans and its Pilgrims, birthed a nation in which, unlike the Marxists who have taken control of our schools with their censorship of thought and speech, wrote in our very foundational document the concepts of just those freedoms.

We are each alive at this moment in history to restore our divine inheritance and the freedoms it has provided for both the Christian and the secularist alike. It is the Christian who wants not to dominate the thoughts of others, but rather, engage in free and open dialogue. For the Christian, free speech is among the key building blocks of a healthy society.

It was those Christian foundations that Sir Roger Scruton had in mind as he concluded his comments on communism, fascism, socialism, Marxism, and all the many ‘isms’ in the political arena and said:

In truth there is an opposite of all the ‘isms’, and that is negotiated politics, without an ‘ism’ and without a goal other than the peaceful coexistence of rivals.

Those who occupy our pulpits and our pews are also accountable for what goes on in our classrooms. The church is responsible for the welfare of society. There is no group better qualified than the Christian community to understand how to build healthy families and communities.

Christianity is the very foundation of human thought.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


I'll see you at this Wednesday's luncheon!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:30 AM Lunch

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting

Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association

420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114

God bless!


Chairman of the Board

Will Carless Is Will Careless

Media Bias exposes the Agenda of


I'm canceling my subscription to The Oklahoman.

I promised that if a newspaper that I subscribe to (7 newspapers) makes a headline about the Club Q tragic shooting which occurred in Colorado Springs on November 19, 2022, blaming conservatives for the shooting and then advocating gun control, I would cancel my subscription.

Reporter Will Carless (or "Careless") of USA Today and The Oklahoman did just that this Sunday morning (November 27, 2022).

In a headline article, Mr. Careless and the newspaper blamed conservative rhetoric for the shooting at the LGBTQIA Club Q in Colorado Springs. The Cub was hosting a "drag show" where men dress up as women and sing and dance when the shooting occurred.

The FACTS run contrary to the biased reporting by Mr. Careless. The shooter is a self-declared "non-binary" person (neither male nor female, but both male AND female).


The shooter's attorneys in court filings have demanded the shooter be called "they" and "them."

Lead counsel is Joseph Archambault, a chief trial deputy for the Colorado public defender's office.

It seems this deranged LGBTQIA shooter has a father in the porn business and an absent mother. He entered Club Q, a club he attended, and tragically shot his own people. Because this runs contrary to the mainstream media's narrative, some are now saying, "The shooter is only SELF-DECLARING non-binary status to escape hate crime charges."


All attempts to change Nature's fixed decree of male/female identity are self-declarations. Those of us who hold to the plumb-line of truth (the Creator and Natural Law) will tell you that any male who declares himself female or non-binary is mentally, emotionally, or spiritually challenged and is lying about his identity. Truth is fixed.


So, Mr. Careless, USA Today, and The Oklahoman, if you wish to promote an agenda that gender is a matter of self-declaration, you can't "pick and choose" which self-declaration you choose to believe.


In this day of media bias and agenda, every single Oklahoman should question what we hear or read in mainstream media.

The U.S. Constitution gives every law-abiding U.S. citizen the right to bear arms. However, in their attempt to change the Constitution and remove the 2nd Amendment, the media must lie and say conservatives must be blamed for the Club Q shooting.


Goodbye, Daily Oklahoman!

I will not support such blatant bias. I pay for NEWS-papers, not propaganda papers.

OCPAC FOUNDATION is a 501 (c) (3).

Gifts are tax-deductible.

Bring your checkbook this Wednesday!

Make your tax-deductible donation