Three numbers for John — First: 7 million. That's the number of registered voters across Georgia that we need to reach with our people-powered message. Second...

Georgia is in a runoff election, and we need all hands on deck to power Rev. Warnock to victory. Here are three key numbers you need to know:

8 days.
That's how long we have before Dec. 6th’s runoff election to defend this seat.

7 million.
That's the number of registered voters across Georgia that we need to reach with our people-powered message.

That's how much more we’re aiming to raise before midnight to ramp up our voter mobilization efforts in this final stretch.

Rev. Raphael Warnock is counting on an immediate surge in grassroots support – so please, will you split a donation of any amount you can today right now between our campaign and Lucas Kunce's efforts to support Dems to help us reach more voters and keep Georgia blue? Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are throwing their full weight behind Herschel Walker, so we cannot afford to take our foot off the gas:

If you've saved payment info with AB Express, your donation will go through immediately:

There is no question that your donation will make a critical difference in a race this close.

Thank you.

– Team Warnock —