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This is the December 2019 issue of the library newsletter.
This month we have updated most of our factsheets [
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] with new deaths data from the NDTRS, which you can access below.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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National Drug-Related Deaths Index 2008 to 2017 data.
Health Research Board. (2019) National Drug-Related Deaths Index 2008 to 2017 data. Health Research
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Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS) 2019: year 4.
Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2019) Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System
(DATMS) 2019: year 4. Dublin: Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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Ireland and the human rights of people who use drugs.
Scharwey, M and Keane, Marcus and Duffin, Tony (2019) Ireland and the human rights of people who use
drugs. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
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Drugnet Ireland 71.
Health Research Board. (2019) Drugnet Ireland 71. Issue 71, Autumn 2019 , 32 p.. Dublin: Health
Research Board.
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Prisoners returning home: prisoners and family reintegration.
O'Dwyer, Kieran and Kelliher, S and Bowes, J (2019) Prisoners returning home: prisoners and family
reintegration. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative.
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Silent Voices manifesto.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2019) Silent Voices manifesto. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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An evidence review of confidence in criminal justice systems.
Hamilton, Claire and Black, Lynsey (2019) An evidence review of confidence in criminal justice
systems. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Building community resilience. Responding to criminal and anti-social behaviour networks across
Dublin South Central: a research study.
Connolly, Johnny and Mulcahy, Jane (2019) Building community resilience. Responding to criminal and
anti-social behaviour networks across Dublin South Central: a research study. Dublin: Four Forum
Network and Dublin City Council.
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Exploring victims’ interactions with the criminal justice system. A literature review.
Healy, Deirdre (2019) Exploring victims’ interactions with the criminal justice system. A literature
review. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Alcohol intake, tobacco smoking, and esophageal adenocarcinoma survival: a molecular pathology
epidemiology cohort study.
McCain, R Stephen et al (2019) Alcohol intake, tobacco smoking, and esophageal adenocarcinoma
survival: a molecular pathology epidemiology cohort study. Cancer Causes & Control .
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The role of trauma in dual diagnosis.
Lambert, Sharon and Murphy, Raegan The role of trauma in dual diagnosis. Forum , 36 , (10) , pp.
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Electronic cigarette vapour increases virulence and inflammatory potential of respiratory pathogens.
Gilpin, DF and McGown, K and Gallagher, K and Bengoechea, J and Dumigan, A and Einarsson, G and
Stuart Elborn, J and Tunney, MM (2019) Electronic cigarette vapour increases virulence and
inflammatory potential of respiratory pathogens. Respiratory Research , 20 , (267) .
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Safeguarding amateur athletes: an examination of player welfare among senior inter-county Gaelic
Kelly, Elish and Kegan, Conor and Walsh, Brendan M (2019) Safeguarding amateur athletes: an
examination of player welfare among senior inter-county Gaelic players. Dublin: ESRI.
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The deprivation of liberty safeguard proposals: report on the public consultation.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) The deprivation of liberty safeguard proposals: report on the
public consultation. Dublin: Department of Health.
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Hepatitis C virus infection in Irish drug users and prisoners - a scoping review.
Crowley, D and Murtagh, R and Cullen, W and Lambert, J S and McHugh, T and Van Hout, MC (2019)
Hepatitis C virus infection in Irish drug users and prisoners - a scoping review. BMC Infectious
Diseases , 19 , (1) , p. 702.
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National Drug Prevention & Education Forum, 13th June 2019, Dublin. Rapporteur’s report.
O'Reilly, Laura (2019) National Drug Prevention & Education Forum, 13th June 2019, Dublin.
Rapporteur’s report. Dublin: Drug & Alcohol Education Workers Forum.
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Sponsorship, advertising and alcohol control in Ireland: the importance of both premises and
products in regulating intoxigenic environments.
Houghton, Frank and McInerney, Derek (2019) Sponsorship, advertising and alcohol control in Ireland:
the importance of both premises and products in regulating intoxigenic environments. Irish Journal
of Medical Science , Early online .
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Safer injecting facilities: will they work in an Irish context?
Bates, Caroline (2019) Safer injecting facilities: will they work in an Irish context? Irish
Probation Journal , 16 , pp. 184-197.
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Growing Up in Ireland. Wave 4 at 20-years.
ESRI and Trinity College Dublin. (2019) Growing Up in Ireland. Wave 4 at 20-years. Dublin: ESRI;
Trinity College Dublin; and Department of Youth and Community Affairs.
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Fostering understanding, empowering change: practice responses to adverse childhood experiences
(ACEs) and intergenerational patterns of domestic violence.
Morton, Sarah and Curran, Megan (2019) Fostering understanding, empowering change: practice
responses to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and intergenerational patterns of domestic
violence. Tipperary: Cuan Saor Women’s Refuge.
read more
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Depenalization, diversion and decriminalization: a realist review and programme theory of
alternatives to criminalization for simple drug possession.
Stevens, Alex and Hughes, Caitlin and Hulme, Shann and Cassidy, Rebecca (2019) Depenalization,
diversion and decriminalization: a realist review and programme theory of alternatives to
criminalization for simple drug possession. European Journal of Criminology , Early online .
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Reducing youth crime: the role of mentoring.
O'Dwyer, Kieran (2019) Reducing youth crime: the role of mentoring. Irish Probation Journal , 16 ,
pp. 153-167.
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Physician, heal thyself: a cross-sectional survey of doctors’ personal prescribing habits.
Harnett, Yvonne and Drakeford, Clive and Dunne, Lisa and McLoughlin, Declan M and Kennedy, Noel
(2019) Physician, heal thyself: a cross-sectional survey of doctors’ personal prescribing habits.
Journal of Medical Ethics , Early online .
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Guidance on a human rights-based approach in health and social care services.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2019) Guidance on a human rights-based approach in health
and social care services. Dublin: HIQA.
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The case for change, key developments and next steps for adult safeguarding in Ireland. Summary of
Donelly, Sarah and O’Brien, Marita (2019) The case for change, key developments and next steps for
adult safeguarding in Ireland. Summary of findings. Dublin: Senator Colette Kelleher.
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National standards for adult safeguarding.
Health Information and Quality Authority, Mental Health Commission. (2019) National standards for
adult safeguarding. Dublin: HIQA and MHC.
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Aspire – ‘Changing lives to make communities safer’.
Ritchie, Joan and McGreevy, Gail (2019) Aspire – ‘Changing lives to make communities safer’. Irish
Probation Journal , 16 , pp. 119-134.
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HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme annual report 2018.
HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme. (2019) HSE National Women and Infants Health
Programme annual report 2018. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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HSE data management report: September 2019.
Health Service Executive. (2019) HSE data management report: September 2019. Dublin: Health Service
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E-cigarette packaging and flavour research.
McCaffrey, Niall (2019) E-cigarette packaging and flavour research. Dublin: IPSOS MRBI.
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Recorded crime Q3 2019.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) Recorded crime Q3 2019. Cork: CSO.
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Office of the Inspector of Prisons annual report 2018.
Ireland. Office of the Inspector of Prisons. (2019) Office of the Inspector of Prisons annual report
2018. Dublin: Office of the Inspector of Prisons.
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Community Awareness of Drugs annual report 2018.
Community Awareness of Drugs. (2019) Community Awareness of Drugs annual report 2018. Dublin:
Community Awareness of Drugs.
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Ana Liffey Drug Project annual report 2018.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2019) Ana Liffey Drug Project annual report 2018. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug
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HSE national service plan 2020.
Health Service Executive. (2019) HSE national service plan 2020. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Simon Communities of Ireland annual report 2018.
Simon Communities of Ireland. (2019) Simon Communities of Ireland annual report 2018. Simon
Communities of Ireland.
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Probation reoffending statistics 2013, 2014 and 2015 cohorts.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) Probation reoffending statistics 2013, 2014 and 2015 cohorts.
Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Recorded crime detection 2018.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) Recorded crime detection 2018. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Global state of harm reduction 2019.
Harm Reduction International. (2019) Global state of harm reduction 2019. London: Harm Reduction
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Evidence Resources
EMCDDA operating guidelines for the European Union Early Warning System on new psychoactive
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2019) EMCDDA operating guidelines for the
European Union Early Warning System on new psychoactive substances. Luxembourg: Publications Office
of the European Union. 27 p.
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Rethinking the "drug dealer".
Drug Policy Alliance. (2019) Rethinking the "drug dealer". New York: Drug Policy Alliance. 76 p.
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Associations between national development indicators and the age profile of people who inject drugs:
results from a global systematic review and meta-analysis.
Hines, Lindsey et al. (2020) Associations between national development indicators and the age
profile of people who inject drugs: results from a global systematic review and meta-analysis.
Science Direct. The Lancet Global Health, 8 (1)
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Terrorism and drugs in Europe. Background paper commissioned by the EMCDDA for the EU drug markets
report 2019.
Basra, Rajan [EMCDDA] . (2019) Terrorism and drugs in Europe. Background paper commissioned by the
EMCDDA for the EU drug markets report 2019. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug
Addiction. 49 p.
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Estimating the size of the main illicit retail drug markets in Europe: an update.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2019) Estimating the size of the main
illicit retail drug markets in Europe: an update. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European
Union. 20 p.
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Substance misuse and tuberculosis (TB).
Public Health England. (2019) Substance misuse and tuberculosis (TB). London: Public Health England.
7 p.
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Misuse of illicit drugs and medicines: applying All Our Health.
Public Health England. (2019) Misuse of illicit drugs and medicines: applying All Our Health.
London: Public Health England.
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Associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation: a prospective study of smokers
in England.
Jackson, Sarah E and Shahab, Lion and West, Robert and Brown, Jamie . (2019) Associations between
dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation: a prospective study of smokers in England. Addictive
Behaviors, 103 (106230) doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.106230
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WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use 2000-2025, third edition.
World Health Organization. [WHO] (2019) WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use
2000-2025, third edition. Geneva: World Health Organization. 121 p.
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Public health policies on e-cigarettes.
Bhalerao, Aditya and Sivandzade, Farzane and Archie, Sabrina Rahman and Cucullo, Luca . (2019)
Public health policies on e-cigarettes. Current Cardiology Reports, 21 (10) doi:
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Tobacco and E-cigarette use among cancer survivors in the United States.
Salloum, Ramzi G and Huo, Jinhai and Lee, Ji-Hyun and Lee, Juhan and Dallery, Jesse and George,
Thomas and Warren, Graham [PLOS One] . (2019) Tobacco and E-cigarette use among cancer survivors in
the United States. PLoS ONE, 14 (12, e0226110) [link removed]
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An examination of the association between early initiation of substance use and interrelated
multilevel risk and protective factors among adolescents.
Trujillo, Carlos Andres and Obando, Diana and Trujillo, Angela [PLOS One] . (2019) An examination of
the association between early initiation of substance use and interrelated multilevel risk and
protective factors among adolescents. PLoS ONE, 14 (12, e0225384)
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Brief group-delivered motivational interviewing is equally effective as brief group-delivered
cognitive-behavioral therapy at reducing alcohol use in risky college drinkers.
Martín-Pérez, Cristina and Navas, Juan F and Perales, José C and López-Martín, Ángela and
Cordovilla-Guardia, Sergio and Portillo, Mónica and Maldonado, Antonio and Vilar-López, Raquel [PLOS
One] . (2019) Brief group-delivered motivational interviewing is equally effective as brief
group-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy at reducing alcohol use in risky college drinkers. PLoS
ONE, 14 (12, e0226271) [link removed]
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Screening and brief advice for alcohol and tobacco use in inpatient settings.
Public Health England. (2019) Screening and brief advice for alcohol and tobacco use in inpatient
settings. London: Public Health England.
read more
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Heterogenous wealth effects of minimum unit price on purchase of alcohol: Evidence using scanner
Sharma, Anurag and Vandenberg, Brian . (2019) Heterogenous wealth effects of minimum unit price on
purchase of alcohol: Evidence using scanner data. PLoS ONE, 14 (12)
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Assessing service and treatment needs and barriers of youth who use illicit and non-medical
prescription drugs in Northern Ontario, Canada.
Russell, Cayley and Neufeld, Maria and Sabioni, Pamela and Varatharajan, Thepikaa and Ali, Farihah
and Miles, Sarah and Henderson, Joanna and Fischer, Benedikt and Rehm, Jürgen [PLOS One] . (2019)
Assessing service and treatment needs and barriers of youth who use illicit and non-medical
prescription drugs in Northern Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE, 14 (12, e0225548)
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Disrupted resting-state brain functional network in methamphetamine abusers: a brain source space
study by EEG.
Khajehpour, Hassan and Makkiabadi, Bahador and Ekhtiari, Hamed and Bakht, Sepideh and Noroozi,
Alireza and Mohagheghian, Fahimeh [PLOS One] . (2019) Disrupted resting-state brain functional
network in methamphetamine abusers: a brain source space study by EEG. PLoS ONE, 14 (12, e0226249)
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Association between recreational cannabis use and cardiac structure and function.
Khanji, Mohammed Y et al. (2019) Association between recreational cannabis use and cardiac structure
and function. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, Early online [link removed]
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Psychotic disorders hospitalizations associated with cannabis abuse or dependence: a nationwide big
data analysis.
Gonçalves-Pinho, Manuel and Bragança, Miguel and Freitas, Alberto . (2019) Psychotic disorders
hospitalizations associated with cannabis abuse or dependence: a nationwide big data analysis.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research [link removed]
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Perceived discrimination in addiction recovery: assessing the prevalence, nature, and correlates
using a novel measure in a U.S. National sample.
Vilsaint, Corrie L and Hoffman, Lauren A and Kelly, John F . (2019) Perceived discrimination in
addiction recovery: assessing the prevalence, nature, and correlates using a novel measure in a U.S.
National sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [link removed]
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From eye rolls to punches: experiences of harm from others' drinking among risky-drinking
adolescents across Australia.
Lam, Tina et al. (2019) From eye rolls to punches: experiences of harm from others' drinking among
risky-drinking adolescents across Australia. Public Health Research & Practice, 29 (4)
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Alcohol obstacle to development. How alcohol affects the Sustainable Development Goals.
Dunnbier, Maik . (2019) Alcohol obstacle to development. How alcohol affects the Sustainable
Development Goals. Stockholm: IOGT International. 83 p.
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10,000 deaths caused by alcohol-related illness and incidents.
[newstalk.com], Quann, Jack (30 Dec 2019)
read more
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Loyalty cards and other drinks promotions to be banned in 2021.
[Irish Times] Cullen, Paul (30 Dec 2019)
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Ireland needs more resources to tackle trafficking and drugs crisis.
[Irish Examiner] (30 Dec 2019)
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Plans to create new drugs helpline for people living with addiction.
[Irish Times] Cullen, Paul (27 Dec 2019)
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Bid to halt jail drug drops by drones.
[Irish Examiner] McEnroe, Juno (27 Dec 2019)
read more
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Health minister asks media outlets not to use Drinkaware information.
[thejournal.ie] Mcgrath, Dominic (27 Dec 2019)
read more
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Gardaí say drug driving is becoming as prevalent as drink driving
[Irish Times] O'Brien, Tim (26 Dec 2019)
read more
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'If we sell CBD as a 'cure-all' for everything, it will drown out what it is actually effective for'
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (26 Dec 2019)
read more
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MQI granted planning permission for drug injection centre.
[RTE.ie] (24 Dec 2019)
read more
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Ad stating alcohol is a drug blocked as ‘too political’.
[Irish Examiner] English, Eoin (23 Dec 2019)
read more
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Tony Tents, gated lanes and abandoned sites: How street-based injecting shapes everyday life in our
[thejournal.ie] Duffin, Tony (23 Dec 2019)
read more
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Improved economy behind increase in drug gang activities - O'Driscoll
[RTE News] Reynolds, Paul (22 Dec 2019)
read more
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Let’s recognise this: Ireland has a drug problem.
[Irish Times] Muldoon, Orla (19 Dec 2019)
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Minister Byrne welcomes additional investment in addiction services in 2020 .
[Department of Health] (18 Dec 2019)
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Stormont deal should include date for minimum alcohol pricing - Varadkar.
[Irish Times] O'Halloran, Marie (18 Dec 2019)
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Campaigners call for care and compassion towards people who use drugs.
[Ana Liffey Drug Project] Duffin, Tony (16 Dec 2019)
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New targeted youth funding scheme “UBU - Your Place Your Space“ launched.
[Department of Children and Youth Affairs] (16 Dec 2019)
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Lynn Ruane: Drug courts are not the solution to Ireland's drug problem.
[thejournal.ie] Ruane, Lynn (15 Dec 2019)
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Unlucky for some: The addictive power of bingo.
[Independent.ie] Monaghan, Gabrielle (14 Dec 2019)
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Minister hopes permission will be granted for supervised injecting facility in Dublin.
Digital Desk Staff [Irish Examiner Breaking News] (13 Dec 2019)
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Drug-related deaths: Health Research Board publishes latest figures.
[Health Research Board] (12 Dec 2019)
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Problem alcohol use in Ireland: Figures indicate a national crisis.
[Irish Examiner] (12 Dec 2019)
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How Ireland can tackle teenage drink and drugs problem.
[Irish Times] Wayman, Sheila (10 Dec 2019)
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Denying cannabis link to mental illness is ‘like arguing earth is flat’.
[Irish Times] Wall, Martin (09 Dec 2019)
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Petty criminals shun burglary for lucrative drug dealing.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (09 Dec 2019)
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'We're on to you': Harris says flavoured e-cigarettes target children and he wants them banned.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (09 Dec 2019)
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Gardaí arrest and charge eight rickshaw drivers with drug offences in Dublin city crackdown.
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (08 Dec 2019)
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Illicit online trading ‘may eclipse’ traditional organised crime.
[Irish Times] Burns, Sarah (07 Dec 2019)
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Homeless crisis opening up ‘cesspool’ of addiction.
[Irish Times] Wilson, Jade (06 Dec 2019)
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Local counselling project to close doors if it cannot secure State funding.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (06 Dec 2019)
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Just one person was handed the minimum 10-year sentence for possessing €13k of drugs last year.
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (05 Dec 2019)
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Two medicinal cannabis products approved for use in Ireland.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (03 Dec 2019)
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Medical cannabis ‘will change lives’, advocates say.
[Irish Examiner] Loughlin, Elaine (03 Dec 2019)
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Patricia Casey: 'Cocaine use now is higher than ever before - but we're not taking the threat
[Irish Independent] (03 Dec 2019)
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New garda crackdown to target 'blatant drug dealing' at Dublin city centre hot-spots.
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (02 Dec 2019)
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Drugs trail that reaches from Dubai to all corners of Ireland.
[Irish Independent] Sheehan, Maeve (02 Dec 2019)
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113 babies born addicted to or affected by drugs in 2018.
[RTE News] O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (02 Dec 2019)
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Ministers Harris and Daly announce a fund of €3 million to help support community mental health
initiatives across the country.
Ireland. Department of Health (02 Dec 2019)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Cabinet Committee Meetings [50087/19, 51822/19, 52728/19] Drug gangs. [
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] (17 Dec 2019)
Leaders' questions. [
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] (12 Dec 2019)
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2019: Second Stage [Private Members]. [
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] (11 Dec 2019)
Topical issues debate - Cannabis for medicinal use. [
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] (05 Dec 2019)
Topical issues debate - Drugs dealing. [
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] (05 Dec 2019)
Seanad debate. Crime: statements. [
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] (05 Dec 2019)
Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Bill 2019 [Seanad]: report and final stages. [
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] (04 Dec 2019)
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2019: first stage. [
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] (04 Dec 2019)
Read all debates
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