In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
An Islamic school in Birmingham is unlawfully segregating boys and girls – with boys given privileges and treated more favourably than girls, according to a
critical Ofsted report.
The General Medical Council is reviewing a decision not to investigate a Kent GP accused of raising religion during appointments after the NSS challenged it.
Five years ago to the day, the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were the target of a jihadist attack that claimed the lives of 12 people.
Today a special issue of Charlie targets a new form of censorship imposed by the "gurus of political correctness".
A fresh wave of protests spread across India's biggest cities on Monday, hours after masked assailants invaded dormitories on an elite university campus in
the capital New Delhi and beat up students and faculty.
Meghan King Edmonds, a former star of the show Real Housewives of Orange County, revealed that she was 'really upset' that she and her husband decided to
circumcise their twin sons.
Inmates at HMP Hull have been 'denied' requests to buy candles and incense, often placed around altars set up in cells to worship pagan gods, for safety
Gavin Mortimer says Islamists are seeking to fracture France, turning Muslim against non-Muslim and in the process drawing in the left and the right on
opposing sides.
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