Fair Fight


Hi friend,

There's a little over one week until Runoff Election Day on December 6th, and there’s no time to waste when it comes to turning out Georgia voters for this crucial race especially with such a short early voting period. We specifically need your help to call Georgia voters this week and weekend - can we count on you to help us call Georgia voters we can’t reach through texting or other means? We’ve added a number of additional phonebank shifts to be sure we can reach all of our voters before Election Day. 

One on one conversations with voters are the most effective way of increasing turnout - join one of Fair Fight’s phonebanks to reach voters who don’t have cell phones or who can’t be reached through texting (don’t worry, we provide a training at the start of each shift!)

Sign up for a phonebank TODAY

If you want to text with Fair Fight, you must first attend a Fair Fight Text Training. Sign up HERE to attend the training to get everything you’ll need to join an upcoming textbank

Looking for other ways to get involved or support the Georgia Senate Runoff? Visit https://ffight.info/howtohelpGA to find other ways to get involved and support efforts across Georgia.

The fight is far from over, so let’s get this done together. If you have any questions about volunteering that have not been answered here, please email [email protected] and our team will get back to you as soon as we can. 


In solidarity,

Fair Fight Field Team