CTV Alert
Nov 27, 2022
ISSUE: One Man & One Woman Marriage
Dear Friends,

We have an urgent request, even if the timing isn't great with Thanksgiving. As you saw in our Wednesday Memo, there is a current issue that needs our immediate attention! The Family Research Action Council is asking for help around the nation.
The “(Dis-)Respect for Marriage” bill that would redefine marriage to include homosexual unions is inching dangerously close to the finish line, but despite a procedural vote on Wednesday, all is not lost

An amendment is being offered to protect adoption and foster-care providers, thousands of religious organizations, and millions of everyday Americans from federal harassment, legal liability, and loss of tax-exempt status for their belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is introducing this amendment to help curb the dangers of the bill in its current form.

Tell your U.S. senators to support Senator Lee’s CRITICAL religious liberty amendment to the bill!

1) There is a form you can submit by clicking the button below.

2) If you have personal contact with the U.S. Senators in your state or listed below, PLEASE contact them via phone or email!

These four senators are critical:

Blunt MO
Young IN
Ernst IA
Lummis WY

3) Send emails or make phone calls to their offices this weekend. Ask others to do the same!

Find senators' info by clicking the button below.


Click below to read articles that discuss the situation in more detail.
Thank you again for letting your voice and your values be heard!