I want to tell you the story of a resilient little girl who faced cancer—and won.
In May 2020, Ella's mother Megan discovered a lump on the side of the toddler's abdomen. Ella began treatment at another hospital, where doctors initially diagnosed her with a type of cancer that required removing her right kidney along with the tumor in her abdomen. Only afterwards did they discover that Ella had a different cancer—which led her family to move across the country for specialty care at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
At just 2 years old, Ella was diagnosed with a high-risk neuroblastoma, a rare cancer of the nervous system. Her cancer was stage 4—meaning it had spread to other parts of her body.

After five cycles of chemotherapy, Ella was enrolled in a clinical trial that included more chemotherapy, immunotherapy and an experimental drug used to attack aggressive tumors like Ella's. "Literally after two cycles [of intense treatment] she was clear—no evidence of disease," says Ella's mom, Megan.
Ella remained in the trial for a year and received 12 rounds of radiation. She is currently in the maintenance phase of her treatment and is now strong, active and, by all accounts, healthy.
"We are grateful to Children's Hospital Los Angeles. They make us feel like family, encourage parent participation, and are truly experts who want to help my child succeed," Megan says.
When I think about Ella, I am reminded of why, during this Season of Giving, there's so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for loved ones.
I am thankful for meaningful work.
And I am thankful for your ongoing help in making healing, care, research and joy possible at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Over this past year, your gifts, signed cards, encouragement and the many other ways our community has shown support have been felt by our entire hospital—patients just like Ella, their families and the staff who care for them.
Because of generous supporters like you, Children's Hospital Los Angeles has been able to continue to provide outstanding care for kids this year and conduct research that saves and changes lives.
Thank you for helping kids like Ella get the care they need. It reminds me of what's possible when we work together. We can heal. We can provide incredible care. And we can make sure that one beaming little girl has the healthy future that she—and every child—deserves.
On behalf of our patients, patient families and staff, thank you for being a part of the Children's Hospital Los Angeles community and for making stories like Ella's possible.
Paul S. Viviano
President and Chief Executive Officer
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
