Dear Friend,
My path to the Clinton Foundation started many decades ago — younger, eager to make a difference, and fortunate to join the Clinton administration in its earliest days. I was proud to work alongside President Clinton and colleagues in the administration, where we were committed to his vision of “putting people first,” creating a better, brighter future in which everybody has a chance to succeed.
As we draw closer to Giving Tuesday, I’ve been reflecting on that path over the past week and thinking of the equally committed team at the Clinton Foundation with whom I work today. President Clinton continues to change lives, and our circle has grown to include many partners and generous supporters – like you.
Whatever your path to the Clinton Foundation, I hope you reflect on it, just as I have, as we head into the season of giving. Thank you for being a vital part of this community, and I hope we can count on your continued generosity this year.
Giving Tuesday is in two days — the start of an incredible season of generosity. But please don’t wait. I ask that you go ahead and give today, and together let’s create a healthier and more equitable world.