Democrats shocked the world when they had the best midterm performance for a president’s party since 9/11―and while Republicans are in a state of shock, Democrats should pounce.
The time is now to finish the job that the Inflation Reduction Act started by expanding Medicare drug price negotiation, and extending the insulin $35 copay cap to every American, not just those with Medicare. Sign now!
During the final session of Congress, while Democrats still control the House, we may be able to pick up enough votes from shell-shocked Republicans to actually help a whole lot of people.
These provisions were left out of the Inflation Reduction Act because the Senate parliamentarian ruled that they weren’t allowed to pass through budget reconciliation, which would allow the bill to pass without Republican support. Perhaps the midterms have changed what’s possible.
Is it likely? Probably not. But we wouldn’t have expected to gain a Senate seat and lose fewer than 10 House seats in the midterm either. That’s why we fight every fight.
Sign the petition to your member of Congress: Americans want Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. And no one should pay more than $35/month for life-saving insulin.
Congress has a long list of things to do with its final session, starting with lifting the debt ceiling before Republican extremists can hold it hostage to demand cuts to Social Security and Medicare. But lowering prescription drug prices―which already eat up ⅓ of the average Social Security check―should be high on the list.
Michael Phelan Social Security Works