All signs show us this runoff will be neck and neck — so we need to ensure every single eligible voter has the chance to make their voice heard at the ballot box. 


Time and time again, Georgians have made history when it comes to voter participation — and with the support of our team here at Fair Fight and our allies, this year’s upcoming runoff contest will be no different.

We’re up against an anti-voter, anti-democracy candidate endorsed by Donald Trump himself. It’s imperative that we re-elect Sen. Raphael Warnock so he can continue serving Georgians and working towards an equitable future for all Americans. And we need to keep Herschel Walker out of office.

Voters will begin casting their ballots statewide on Monday, and we’re going to need all hands on deck to power our outreach efforts and re-elect Sen. Warnock. Can you please split a contribution of $20 today between Fair Fight and Sen. Warnock during this crucial moment?


Sen. Warnock is a pro-democracy champion for Georgia and the country, leading the charge to expand and protect the right to vote.

On the other hand, our GOP opponent Herschel Walker has shown Georgians just how deeply unqualified he is to serve the people of Georgia, and the extremist agenda he’ll impose on our state. We know exactly how he’ll lead as a U.S. senator, and we can’t allow it to become a reality.

All signs show us this runoff will be neck and neck — so we need to ensure every single eligible voter has the chance to make their voice heard at the ballot box. Early voting starts statewide in just two days (with it already underway in some counties) — so it’s crunch time.

If it makes sense for you right now, please consider splitting a contribution of $20 between Fair Fight and Sen. Warnock to help reach every Georgia voter ahead of Sen. Raphael Warnock’s runoff election and fight for every eligible voter to be able to vote and have their ballot counted.


Thanks for everything,

The Fair Fight Team