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Hi John,

#GivingTuesday is right around the corner - tell your friends! 

We hope you’ll join our #BetterSharing campaign this coming Tuesday, November 29th. 

We’re trying to raise $100,000 before the end of this year. Your donations will support the future of our CC licenses, which require a lot of money 💰 and work to maintain. 

We’d love it if you made a donation 🥹 We also know not everyone is able to give and that’s totally ok - we’re extremely grateful for our volunteers and global advocates!

Maybe you’ll spread the word instead? The future of a healthy public commons depends on it. Here’s some language you can copy and paste to your favorite social platform (don’t forget to link to our donation page!🤓🎉 


This #GivingTuesday, Creative Commons is asking for your help to protect the future of our CC licenses, which require a lot of money 💰 and work  to maintain. 

Show us how much you 💚 our licenses and the public commons! 

Donate today 👉 


Thanks 💐
The CC Team

Help us make sharing better so we can build a brighter future
Donate to Creative Commons
CC BY 4.0

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