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Hi John,

The climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty is on its last legs, can you help push it over the edge? 

We started campaigning against the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) five years ago. I'm writing today to tell you we could be on the brink of victory. Thanks to our tireless campaigning alongside European allies, the ECT is on its last legs. Since the summer, a stampede of countries have announced their exit. Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, Slovenia, France, Germany and Luxembourg are getting out. 

Now is a key moment to push the ECT over the edge. With so many countries heading for the door, together we can make sure there’s no way back for this damaging agreement. 

I know times are tough, but if you can afford to, please donate £5 today. We need to raise the pressure on the British government and push it to change its position on the ECT. We need to work with the media to get more exposure and we need to build more relationships with potential allies.
Yes, I can help
The Energy Charter Treaty is an international agreement enabling corporations to sue governments over positive climate policy. At the heart of the ECT are ‘corporate courts’: a toxic parallel legal system. They allow corporations to sue governments for almost anything that reduces their profits. The Energy Charter Treaty is particularly dangerous as it protects the interests of the fossil fuel industry. Fossil fuel corporations use the ECT to block climate action, that’s why so many governments are recognising how damaging the treaty is to their climate commitments and heading for the door. 

Can you help pile the pressure on the UK government? 

Sadly, while some are rushing for the exit, a core are determined to defend the treaty, including the UK government. It’s vital we pile pressure on the UK government to stop it trying to keep the ECT going. Will you donate £5 today to help do this? Your donation will help to launch more actions and mobilise people to participate on and offline, pushing back against the government’s stubborn persistence with this failing treaty. 
Yes, I want to help
The remaining members have a plan to prop up the crumbling ECT by persuading countries in the global south to join. These countries are even more vulnerable to being sued for huge amounts via the ECT, because they have less money to divert to fighting legal battles. Many of these countries are also on the frontline of the climate crisis, suffering terrible disasters which are further stretching their finances.

Help us build new alliances to stop the ECT rebuilding itself  

We’re building contacts with activists in countries targeted for ECT expansion. We will strengthen our campaign by working together to increase awareness of the impact of Britain’s decisions, to target decision makers, and to amplify the voices of our allies. Can you donate in support of this work?
Yes, I can help
Treaties like the ECT unshackle rich corporations from social and environmental responsibility. So, they continue ravaging ecosystems, dumping waste and warming the planet. All at the expense of people’s lives. These are the very corporations whose operations need to close if we’re to have any chance of dealing with the climate emergency.

The ECT and corporate courts are enabling major fossil fuel extraction 

Only this summer Rockhopper won a case against Italy for banning offshore oil drilling. Rockhopper got £210 million – six times the amount it invested in the drilling project. Worse, it’s reported that Rockhopper will use the proceeds to explore new oilfields off the Falkland Islands.  

In effect, the ECT is providing the oil, coal and gas companies funds to expand their operations. In this way, it’s a major threat to anything that’s agreed at the UN climate talks. For every small step we take forward, the ECT pulls us back.

We need more exposure of this issue. £5 could help us identify stories about the damage the ECT does, and work with the media to make sure they’re heard. Can you donate to build awareness and pressure in the media?  
Yes, I want to help
In difficult times, it can be hard to find hope. This campaign has shown me so clearly why Global Justice Now exists. Fighting global economic rules like the ones in the Energy Charter Treaty is at the heart of our work. It’s big. It can take years to change. But, ultimately, it’s a campaign that tackles the central issues we face: the structures we need to get rid of to achieve progress and justice.

That’s why we need ongoing, reliable support. We’re in it for the long-term. Without the support of campaigners like you, we would never come close to these sorts of victories. Thank you.  

With very best wishes and season’s greetings,

Nick Dearden
Director, Global Justice Now

P.S. Together we’re on the brink of victory in our campaign against the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty, can you donate today and help give it a final push?