Today is Native American Heritage Day, a day when everyone can reflect on America's dark history with the first people of this land and overcome the myths that continue to be told about its true nature.
The Advancing Tribal Parity on Public Lands Act and Tribal Cultural Areas Protection Act would work together to expand democracy to tribal nations and enable them to protect sacred and cultural sites by doing the following:
- Prohibits the sale of public land containing a tribal cultural site, where a tribal nation retains treaty or other reserved rights, or that contains a former reservation.
- Requires federal land management agencies to provide tribal governments with meaningful public involvement opportunities in land use planning, and requires that public land advisory boards include at least one tribal representative.
- Establishes a national system of culturally significant sites on public lands
- Prohibits mining and other forms of development that would impair Tribal cultural areas’ cultural values
- Ensures that tribal nations have the ability to protect, co-manage, and use the cultural sites they have used for generations.
Tell Congress to pass the Advancing Tribal Parity on Public Lands Act and the Tribal Cultural Areas Protection Act.
Thank you for taking action today.
- Tre
Tre Graves
Digital Organizing Coordinator
Democracy for America
Since our founding in 2004, every campaign staffer we have trained, every voter we have contacted, and every candidate we put over was directly funded by members like you.
With a strong grassroots campaign, we can use our experience and strategy to tap into the diverse coalition it will take to keep Georgia blue.
It all comes down to Georgia and what we do to win. We can drive another big runoff victory, but we only have a few weeks to make it happen.
DFA relies on funding from grassroots donors to power our critically important voter contact programs. So if you can, please contribute $23.18 (our average this year), to fully fund a robust campaign in the Georgia runoff.