
A few days ago, the Trump Administration ordered airstrikes in Iraq that killed the top Iranian military commander among others.

All without Congressional approval.

Let’s be clear: This Iranian official was responsible for attacks on Americans and an enemy to peace around the region. But I am deeply concerned the Trump Administration took this action without consulting Congress or our closest allies.

Trump is keeping Congress and the American public in the dark and leading us down a dangerous path that could have disastrous consequences worldwide.

As the ranking member on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I will not send our dedicated, hardworking men and women in uniform into another war without a real conversation with the American public and a plan to keep everyone safe.

Sign your name now and demand the Trump Administration not go to war with Iran without Congressional approval.


The American people deserve to know all the facts before Trump drags us into a dangerous and deadly war.

This is important. Thanks for signing.

— Jon