Democrats need momentum going into 2023.


Across the Commonwealth, there will be over 1,700 races on the ballot in 2023. The future of Virginia depends on who wins these races.

It’s critical that Democrats have the momentum they need to win as we move into the 2023 election cycle. If Democrats win in SD-07 on January 10, 2023, it’ll give us the energy and strength we need to retake the General Assembly next November.

Will you help us elect Aaron Rouse in SD-07 and give VADEMS the momentum we need to win next November?

So much is riding on Democrats’ ability to win in 2023. Abortion rights, prescription drug costs, and the very foundations of our democracy depend on Democratic victories up and down the ballot. Will you chip in and do your part to give VADEMS the momentum we need to win everywhere in 2023?


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Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia,
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.