The devastation from the fires in Australia is getting worse.
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Friends -

The devastation from the fires in Australia is getting worse.

According to the latest reports, 24 people and nearly half a billion animals have died. We need to lead on global action now.

Will you add your name to join Ed in demanding the Green New Deal? We are running out of time.

You can read Ed's original note about the fires is below.

- Team Markey

Ed Markey for Senate

Friends -

Australia is burning.

A kangaroo stands in front of wildfires

Photo credit: Matthew Abbott for The New York Times

The fires, fueled by climate change, come after Australia experienced its hottest and driest year on record. What’s worse is that this isn’t even considered peak fire season for Australia.

At least 14.5 million acres have been destroyed. That’s almost the size of West Virginia and more than three times the area destroyed by California’s wildfires in 2018.

The climate crisis is a present, global threat. If you agree we need the Green New Deal now, add your name.


The lack of immediate global action is infuriating. This catastrophe should send every single country into immediate action fighting the climate crisis, and the United States should be leading that fight.

The climate crisis is not some far off threat. It's happening now and will continue to devastate communities around the world if we do not take bold and immediate action.

We will not reach the scale of action we need globally if the United States does not lead on this issue. We can do that by passing the Green New Deal.

But we are running out of time. With the start of the new year, we’re officially down to 10 years to prevent irreversible damage to our planet.

I promise that I will fight as hard as I can this year to pass a Green New Deal. But I need you in the trenches with me demanding action.

Are you in? Add your name right now to join me in demanding that Congress pass the Green New Deal. The future of our planet depends on us.

I cannot do this alone. It’s going to take a movement, and I need you to be part of this revolution.

- Ed




Paid for by The Markey Committee

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