Dear Friend,
As we celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, we are also celebrating our thankfulness for you and your gracious support of Enough Is Enough (EIE).
Because of friends like you, EIE has been the leading national organization focused on keeping children safer from all online risks since 1994! Your support is critical, now more than ever, as children and youth spend greater amounts of time online!
#GivingTuesday is right around the corner - you can help right now and get a jump start on supporting the culture-changing and life-changing efforts of Enough Is Enough!
We are excited to announce every dollar you invest in our mission through the end of 2022 will be DOUBLED up to $22,000!
Let's get this started! Any time you shop online using EIE's AmazonSmile, a portion of your bill is donated to EIE automatically!